Self Care and Sanity

** Seating will be limited due to a smaller venue! SIGN UP EARLY!! **

What is Self-Care & Sanity?

What do you think of when you hear the term SELF-CARE? Getting your nails done? Getting a massage? Taking a bath? Sure, those things are a great way to get a few minutes alone but they are what I refer to as “superficial self-care” … quick outlets that are beneficial but not life changing. If you have ever looked up self-care suggestions (you know you have!), you have probably stumbled across lots of lists of “superficial self-care”. And if you are like me, you have likely rolled your eyes at many of the suggestions. How is taking more baths going to make me feel more confident, empowered, or enlightened? I’m a big supporter of baths, but they are not the secret to self-care!

REAL self-care goes deeper than that. It is about learning how to get your lost time back, set boundaries, be in control of your own life … preserve your SANITY!!

As women, we tend to put ourselves LAST and put everyone’s needs before our own. We have been taught to feel guilty for putting ourselves first … or even focusing on ourselves at all! If we are the life preserver that keeps our family & friends afloat, shouldn’t we be allowed to hang on to our life preserver too?

Let me arm you with multiple life preservers that will actually keep you afloat! Let’s scratch the surface of what REAL self-care is & how it can save you from the insanity of our day to day lives.

There are 3 twists to this workshop that I am very excited about!

1) STUDIO WHIMZY will be our venue! When Sarah Kathryn & I were talking about Tween Talk, I mentioned my idea for a self-care workshop. She graciously offered her studio up as a setting. Not only is her studio cute & cozy, it is a perfect environment for creative thinking as we explore ways to incorporate new self-care that fits YOUR life.

2) Do you sometimes have trouble just sitting and listening? I do! I am a doodler & a note taker. Sarah Kathryn will be providing paint materials so you can BE CRAFTY WHILE YOU LISTEN! Don’t be intimidated … she will provide a sketch for you to fill in.

3) I will be sending you home with a SELF-CARE WORKBOOK! As a therapist, I am always on the lookout for tools for my clients but rarely find one that includes everything I am looking for. So, I decided to create my own! Your workbook will include:

  • Categorized checklists for detoxing your life & setting boundaries

  • Thought provoking questions & writing prompts that will help you narrow down insecurities so that you can begin to tackle them & break the cycles that you find yourself stuck in

  • Suggestions for superficial self-care

Who is this workshop for? Because women experience our own unique set of struggles when it comes to self-care, this workshop is designed for women of all ages, all walks of life, all relationship statuses, etc. Self-care is a necessity for everyone!

Thursday, July 25, 2019

5:30pm - 7:00 pm

Studio Whimzy

807 College Hill Road (Next to Skymart/Accross from Lost Pizza)

** Seating will be limited due to a smaller venue! SIGN UP EARLY!! **

Self-Care & Sanity is created and hosted by Meghan R. Anderson, LPC, M.ED, NCC. Meghan has been a practicing counselor for 13 years. In September, she will celebrate her 10th year in private practice! Traditionally, women make up the majority of those who seek counseling which has given Meghan more than a decade of insight into the ways that women feel helpless & clueless to incorporating self-care into their lives. After a major episode of “burn out”, Meghan had to (humbly) learn what true self-care was & how to redesign her life around it. It is now a passion to teach other women how to do the same!

Self Care and Sanity