I will now be hosting workshops on a variety of topics. There are so many topics that cross my path over and over again. So often, that many days I say that I wish I could make a Public Service Announcement to everyone struggling with the same issues so they would not that they are not alone! So I have created workshops so I can do just that!
Tween Talk
Helping You Help Your Tween
Calling all parents, caregivers, & teachers of “Tweens”: Being a “Tween” is hard on kids & parents! Learn how to identify the various types of anxiety, how to better communicate with your Tween, tips & tricks to manage anxiety, and basic warning signs of mental health concerns.
College Prep
For Parents
Helping You Help Your Student
Calling all parents of high school seniors and college students: You will learn how to help your student transition into living independently, the key life skills they need before they live on their own, warning signs of common mental health issues, available resources, etc.
Self-Care & Sanity
Helping you help YOU
If you are a woman, this is for YOU! “Self-Care” has become a popular buzzword but what does it actually mean? You will learn how to incorporate REAL self-care into your life in the form of finding balance, recovering your lost time, how to set boundaries, and how to preserve your SANITY!